Conducted Energy Device (CED)
If you are a New York Law Enforcement Officer and want to carry or currently carry a CED/TASER, on the job, this is the course that can help to indemnify you in court, if you deploy a CED! This training is MPTC approved and will show up on your DCJS training records.
Looking for the civilian TASER course? You can find that here.
The Initial Conducted Energy Device (CED) Course is for currently sworn New York law enforcement officers. It is designed to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to safely and effectively deploy a CED (aka TASER). It begins with an overview of CED technology and then progresses to pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment considerations of conducted energy devices.
Cost: MAKE PAYMENT HERE after registering below. You can also purchase cartridges on our payment page.
- Initial 8.5hr CED with 11hr A35 $260
- Initial 8.5hr CED $175
Equipment Requirements: Any brand CED, mounted holster, and two (2) cartridges.
Prerequisites: You MUST be a currently sworn New York State law enforcement officer.
Exemptions: If you are a police officer or have recently completed the eleven-hours of DCJS/MPTC Article 35 use-of-force training, within the past year, you may be exempt from that day of the course. Note such in the registration from and DCJS will verify if you are exempt or not. If you are not a police officer or have not completed the full 11-hours of A35 use-of-force, within the past year, you will need to attend that day of this training.
The use of conducted energy devices (CED) in law enforcement has increased
dramatically over the last few years. Thousands of law enforcement agencies have
either begun conducted energy device deployment or have plans to deploy conducted
energy devices with their officers in the very near future. All officers who carry CEDs
need to demonstrate they understand CED agency policy and procedures related to its
use, as well as demonstrate handling and deployment proficiency. This, of course,
requires that officers be trained in the operation and application of conducted energy
Students participating in the training will be required to demonstrate
understanding of their agency’s CED policy to the instructor, particularly where
deployment of conducted energy devices is appropriate, and equally important, where
not appropriate. Students will also be required to demonstrate their knowledge of CEDs
by completing a written and practical exam.
The conducted energy device course is not intended to be the ultimate in training,
but provide officers with a basic foundation and awareness of the advantages,
disadvantages and limitations that exist when using the device. Upon completion of the
course, students will have an understanding of the basic principles of CED operation
and the knowledge and skills necessary to safely deploy a CED within agency
- Q:Do I really need this course in order to carry a CED on the job? A: Though police/peace officers are exempt from the law when it comes possession of CED’s the training is what indemnifies you, if you have to deploy it in the line of duty.
- Q: Our department does not have any directive on CED’s but my direct supervisor said it was fine for us to carry it. A: If your agency approves the carrying of a CED your SOP should state such along with explicitly forbidding any officer from carrying a CED that has not been though this training and have the “Initial Other Weapons Conducted Energy Device” listed on their training records.
- Q: I was certified by TASER back in the day but that nor the “Initial Other Weapons Conducted Energy Device” show up on my training records. A: For a time DCJS would transfer that training over but that time has expired. If the “Initial Other Weapons Conducted Energy Device” is not listed on your training records you would need to attend this course in order to have it show on your records.
- Q: Do I need to take this course annually? A: Unlike TASER, this course is a one and done training. However, your agency will need to provide in-service training for “Other Weapons – Conducted Energy Device” to satisfy the DCJS requirements for annual training.
- Q: How do I teach this course? A: If you have completed IDS/IDC and this course as a student you are authorized to teach it and the annual in-service training.
- Payment: This course is only $175 or $260. After filling out the form above and clicking the “Submit Registration” button above the form will take you to a page to make payment with PayPal/credit card. If you accidentally closed out of the payment page you can make payment from our PAYMENT PAGE. If you want to mail a check/money order you can close out of the payment page, after clicking “Submit Registration” above and visit our PAYMENT PAGE for directions on where to mail a check/money order and who to make it out to. You can also review our payment terms on that page.
- Registration: We do not accept walk-ins. You will need to register above and fully make payment in order to secure a seat in this course.
Attendance: Eleven-hours (11) of Article 35 training and eight-and-a-half-hours (8.5) of CED training is required to be certified. See exemptions for A35 below. Students must attend all hours of the training in order to successfully complete the training and be issued a DCJS certificate.
Exemptions: If you are a police officer or have recently completed the eleven-hours of DCJS/MPTC Article 35 use-of-force training, within the past year, you may be exempt from that day of the course. Note such in the registration from and DCJS will verify if you are exempt or not. If you are not a police officer or have not completed the full 11-hours of A35 use-of-force, within the past year, you will need to attend that day of this training.
- Exposure: You are NOT required to be exposed to the voltage of a CED but it is HIGHLY encouraged so that you know, first hand, the level of force you may be inflicting on someone if you must deploy your CED. Exposure will also help if you are called into court after using a CED on someone.
Curriculum: All curriculum and standards-of-training are set forth by the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), Municipal Police Training Council (MPTC).
- At Your Location: For your convenience, we offer the above courses at your location for only $10 more per student. We do require a minimum of eight students for any private course. Contact us to book a course at your location or chose “TBD At Your Location” from the above form drop down and we will be in touch to set a date.
- Contact us with any questions.