Meet the Pressers
Matt and Klint talk about public safety and education as a primary topic but at times delve into other topics. Nothing seems to be off the table. Their combined knowledge of firearms and self-defense marinated with witty banter and a dash of humor make for a great show. Now that we have made you hungry, make sure to check out what we are serving up!
The fist of many shows airs on 3 April on our YouTube Channel and then will be linked on our show Facebook Page. That being said, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Though the format will be fairly light, topics or bullets – if you will – that may be covered on each show include the below.
- Guests – We will have special guests come on and talk about themselves, what they have going on in life, a product they are pitching, etc. Some of the guest that we have in the lineup include: Rob Pincus, George Zimmerman, Larry Vickers, John TIG Tiegen, Multiple TOP SHOT contestants from the TV Show on the History Channel, and many more…
- Product reviews and testing – Vetting of products or even services so our viewers know where to spend their hard earned money.
- Viewer/listener input – We plan to answer your questions that you present us. These can be how to, best practices, tips, tricks, something you want us to do, troubleshooting, etc.
- In the News – We will talk about news stories that we just can’t ignore!
- The Pew Pew and More! – We also plan to shoot, pepper spray, zap, and blow things up as much as possible.
We are looking for guests to come on the show in person, over the web, or via phone. We are also open to select sponsors interested in helping the show-to-go-on along with giving their cause/business exposure. Contact us if you want to get in on all of the fun!
Thank you for your support! We truly appreciate it. Shoot straight and stay safe!

For internal articles written by PS&Ed Staff visit
Matt was a guest on Royce Bartlett’s radio show Shooting Straight

Matt was quoted in this article: I.C.E Training Collaboration with US Concealed Carry Association