So you want to become a Civilian Certified TASER Self-Defense Instructor and teach TASER end-user Energy Weapon (EW) courses like PS&Ed offers? Matt Mallory is one of only 19 TASER Master Instructors in the world – authorized to teach this instructor course – under the Axon brand. Upon successful completion of this four-hour instructor level course you will be listed as a Certified Trainer on the TASER Self-Defense Site and authorized to teach the end-user classes to civilians on all of the TASER devices that the general public has access to.
Course Investment: $550 OR $1,500 which includes the below…
– 3 X Live Training Pulse devices
– 2 X Live Training Bolt 2 devices
– 20 X Live Cartridges for 1st class
– 10 X Targets
Course Length: 4 hours
Certification Requirements: Pass written test with 80% and pass practical test
Certification: Civilian TASER Self-Defense Instructor
Certification Length: 2-years
Attendance Requirements: Certified Instructor (NRA, USCCA, Martial Arts, Govt.)
NOTE: You will NOT be exposed to electricity as part of this course!
A minimum of five students are required to run the course but more may be required in order to cover travel expenses. If you want in, don’t wait to register! Currently, Matt is scheduled to teach the courses listed in the drop down in the form below. Fill out the form below to register or contact us for more information about this course.
There is a Facebook event for all of the below courses for you to share and help drive interest. We appreciate you helping to spread the word by sharing this course with your contacts and on social media. Please contact us with any questions. To inquire about hosting this instructor course at your location, fill out the Host Matt form here. Also, don’t miss out on the other certified civilian instructor courses that we offer: Use of Force, UTM Force on Force, SABRE Pepper Spray, USCCA, and NRA.