If you have made your payment, thank you. If you paid with credit card, the payment will come across on your credit card statement as PS&Ed, MALLORY, or MALLORY UNLIMITED.
If you chose to mail a check, money order, or certified check you can do so by sending it out to Mallory Unlimited, LLC, 9394 Destiny USA Dr., Syracuse, NY 13204.
Payment secures your slot in the course and is what triggers your certificate to be printed for the course. When registering for a course, if you DID NOT enter your credit card info or get a message that your payment was successful, you can make payment below. NOTE: Check with your bank or credit card company to insure your payment went through before paying via the link below! WE WILL NOT REFUND MULTIPLE PAYMENTS! If you are not sure if you paid it is on you to check with your bank or credit card company to make sure that your payment went through successfully before using the below links to make a payment.
Due to the amount of classes we teach to many hundreds of people monthly we will not verify payment until a day or two prior to class. Please don’t contact us to verify payment. The best way to verify payment is with your banking institution. If no payment was made prior to class you will be removed from the roster and will need to register for another date.
To pay via Venmo send payment to @MalloryUnlimited or via Cash App send payment to $MalloryUnlimited. To pay with Bitcoin, send payment to the below QR Code.

Please contact us if you would like to pay with other crypto currency such as Ethereum, Litecoin, etc.
Don’t forget to start investing with Robinhood by creating a free account here: https://join.robinhood.com/matthem2882
If you have already made a payment you will receive a confirmation email with more instructions about the course/service that you are interested in. If you do not get the email within 24 hours please contact us.
PAYMENT TERMS: We do not accept walk-ins. You will need to register for the desired course and make full payment PRIOR to the day of course in order to secure a seat in the course. Your seat is secured upon receipt of both the registration and payment. No certificates will be issued if payment has not been received prior to course date. If you signup then find out you can’t make the course please let us know so we can free the seat up for someone else. Course fee does not include fees to be paid to respective County or State. A $40 insufficient funds fee is charged for all returned checks. Please note other terms and conditions below.
- Cancelation Policy: Class purchases are non-refundable. Before registering, make sure you are able to follow through on the commitment to attend the course. You will need to pay for the course again if you fail to inform us with enough notice so that we can reschedule you to a new date.
- Rescheduling Policy: Rescheduling to another date, within the next 90 days, may be available on a case by case basis if you notify us within 24 hours of class. There is a $20 to move to another date, which can be paid below. Seating is limited so make sure you plan carefully before you signup for a course date/location.
- Replacement Certificate: If your certificate is damaged or lost and you need us to create a new one, there is a $20 fee for us to do so. You can mail payment to the above address or pay with credit card below.
Click a link below to make a payment with credit card:
- NYS Concealed Carry Firearms Safety Training Course (18 hours)
- Pay for all 18 hours (five courses) at once $340
- NY Initial Handgun Safety (NY) 4 hours $60
- Use of Force and New York Law (UoF) 5 hours $100
- USCCA Concealed Carry Home Defense Fundamentals (CCHDF) 5 hours $60
- Draw, Shoot, and Re-holster (DSR) 2 hours $60
- Live- Fire Training (LFT) 2 hours $60
- Update (2 hours) $20
- Pay for all 18 hours (five courses) at once $340
- UTM Civilian Instructor Certification L1 $350
- Smokeless Range Courses
- Smokeless Range All Courses $175
- Smokeless Range SIMCO Course $60
- Smokeless Range DSR Course $60
- Smokeless Range SDS Course $60
- Smokeless Range All Courses $175
- Multi-State Course
- Multi-State Course (Utah) $125
- State Add-Ons (FL, FL Comp, MA)
- One State Add-On $50
- Two State Add-On $100
- Three State Add-On $150
- Four State Add-On $200
- Five State Add-On $225
- One State Add-On $50
- Pennsylvania Bus Trip for PA License to Carry Firearms $150
- Multi-State Course (Utah) $125
- Bite the Bullet – Dinner and Shooting
- Pre-License $75
- Live-Fire $115
- Gun (.22 rifle) rental with ammo $50
- Higher Caliber Gun rental with ammo $75
- Pre-License $75
- Active Killer Courses
- Security Assessment $300
- Active Killer Basic Course $40
- Active Killer Advanced Course $40
- Active Killer Master Course $80
- Active Killer Drill $1,500
- Security Assessment $300
- Try Me/Buy Me (TM/BM)
- 8 Guns $325
- 6 Guns $250
- 4 Guns $175
- 2 Guns $100
- Add Ammo $25
- Add a Gun $50
- 8 Guns $325
- Countering the Mass Shooter Threat (CMST) 4hr $45
- Concealed Carry Home Defense Fundamentals (CCHDF) 5hr $60
- Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Level 1 (DSFL1) 8hr $210
- Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Level 2 (DSFL2) 8hr $260
- DSF Retake at 50% off $130
- Certified Instructor Workshop (CIW) $357
- Women’s Handgun Self-Defense Fundamentals (WHSDF) 5hr $45
- Defensive Tactics (DT) for Civilians $40
- First Responder Safety (FRS) $45
- AR 101 Basics Course $100
- Force-on-Force Reality-Based-Training (RBT) $80
- Survival $25
- Law Enforcement
- 2hr DT In-Service (OC, Baton) $40
- 3hr DT In-Service (CED, OC, Baton) $60
- 5hr Firearms In-Service $100
- 8hr ALL In-Service $150
- Initial 8.5hr CED with 11hr A35 $260
- Initial 8.5hr CED $175
- Two (2) CED Cartridges $75
- One (1) CED Cartridge $40
- 14hr Patrol Rifle (PR) Course $200
- 2hr DT In-Service (OC, Baton) $40
- LEOSA ONE Handgun (Semi OR Revolver) $60
- LEOSA TWO Handguns (Semi AND Revolver) $90
- LEOSA ONE Handgun (Semi OR Revolver) $60
- Security Guard
- 8hr Pre-Assignment $80
- 16hr OTJ $125
- 8hr Annual $70
- 8hr Annual Firearms $100
- 47hr Initial Firearms $450
- One hour of Training (DT – or – OC – or – HC – or – SH) $20
- Two hours of Training (DT, OC, and HC) $40
- Three hours of Training (DT, OC, HC, and SH) $60
OTHER PAYMENTS- Bail Enforcement Agent Course 25hr $475
- Driver’s Education
- NY Point & Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP) $45
- Or take it online for only $24.95 CLICK HERE
- NY Point & Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP) $45
- TASER CEW Civilian Course 3hr $100
- Sabre Red Pepper Spray User Course 3-4hr $70
- First Aid & CPR with AED $80
- NY Boating Safety Course 8hr $80
- Private Shooting Lessons $75/hr per person
- Gift Certificates
- Transfer to another course date/time $20
- Replacement Certificate $20
- Home Firearms Safety 4hr $45
- Basics of Pistol Shooting ILT 8hr $130
- Basics of Pistol Shooting Phase 2 5hr $115
- PPITH Basic Course 8hr $130
- PPOTH Basic Course 14hr $220
- Rifle Basic Course 8hr $130
- Shotgun Basic Course 10hr $155
- Metallic Cartridge Reloading Course 8hr $130
- Shotgun Shell Reloading Course 6hr $105
- RSO (Range Safety Officer) Course 9hr $130
- RTBAV (Refuse To Be A Victim) Seminar 4hr $45
- Women on Target Instructional Shooting Clinic 4hr $45
- Home Firearms Safety Instructor Course 5hr $105
- Pistol Instructor Course 10hr $375
- PPITH Instructor Course 9hr $185
- PPOTH Instructor Course 16hr $330
- Rifle Instructor Course 10hr $210
- Shotgun Instructor Course 11hr $230
- BIT (Basic Instructor Training) Course 6hr $75
- CRSO (Chief Range Safety Officer) Course 8hr $165
- Metallic Cartridge Reloading Instructor Course 8hr $165
- Shotgun Shell Reloading Instructor Course 8hr $165
- RTBV (Refuse To Be a Victim) Instructor Development Workshop 8hr $165
CUSTOM PAYMENT – Make a payment for a product or service not listed above.